ONGOING: Self-funded PhD students (enquiries via email)
We are always keen to hear from interested undergraduate and postgraduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and potential collaborators who are interested in joining or working with our group.
Please email Dr Lewis MacKenzie (l.mackenzie@strath.ac.uk) with any enquiries.
Any formal roles will be listed here and on our homepage as and when they are available.
Postdoctoral Researchers: we are keen to hear from enthusiastic postdoctoral researchers and can support bids for international fellowships if suitable (e.g. the Royal Society Newton Fellowship or Marie Curie schemes). Funded postdoctoral positions will be advertised here and on Jobs.ac.uk.
PhD students: we are always keen to hear from potential PhD students. We will advertise funded PhD studentships on our group website and usually FindAPhD.com too. We also encourage enquiries from international students who have their own funding or who may be looking to apply for funding.
Postgraduate students: we host postgraduate research projects (e.g. via the Strathclyde MSc Nanoscience course). Please contact Dr Lewis MacKenzie to discuss potential projects if you are interested.
Undergraduate students: we host undergraduate research projects (Strathclyde Level 4 and 5) and summer students. Please contact Dr Lewis MacKenzie to discuss potential projects if you are interested.
Summer studentships: For UK summer studentships it is generally best to get in touch in January or February due to funding timelines of schemes such as the EPSRC Vacation Internship scheme and the Research Interns @ Strathclyde scheme. For international summer studentships, timelines vary. Either way, please contact Dr Lewis MacKenzie to discuss potential projects if you are interested.