As of today, I am a Chancellor’s Fellow at the University of Strathclyde, within the Department of Pure and Applied chemistry. I am part of the BioNanotechnology and Analytical division, and my research is based in the impressive Technology and Innovation Centre (TIC), which hosts a plethora of custom-built laboratories.
I will be continuing to develop and expand upon my BBSRC funded research into the development and application non-invasive blood oxygen nanosensors. I’m really looking forward to the new opportunities working at Strathclyde will bring. In particular, there is an outstanding research density in nanoparticle biosensors within the Bionanotechnology and Analytical division. There’s also brilliant cross-faculty links via the Centre for Molecular Nanometrology. I am also enthused to work with colleagues across all the science faculty to open new up new research avenues and develop new capabilities for better measurement of gases within tissue and cells.
As a Chancellor’s Fellow, I will be starting to properly establish my own research group. There will be research project opportunities for undergraduate and PhD students forthcoming
The Technology and Innovation Centre. 99 George St, Glasgow G1 1RD