Dr Shiao Chow and I are now advertising for a PhD position (3.5 years UK fees funded) at the University of Strathclyde, targeting upconversion nanoparticles to brain cancer organoids via custom-made designer ligands. Dr Shiao Chow is the primary supervisor and the PhD student will be in her group mainly working on ligand design, but they will make upconversion nanoparticles with my group. Brain cancer organoids will be accessed by collaborating with people in SIPBS as part of a new doctoral training centre called BRAINS. Dr Ying Fu is also involved as 3rd supervisor. This PhD would suit someone interested in the interface of chemistry, nanotechnology, and biology; and there is scope for the student to shape the PhD direction of the research.
Please see the FindAPhD.com link below:
Hexagonal shaped upconversion nanoparticles recently made in our group